Make Student Transportation Safer And Smoother.

Experience the best school bus tracking management
system in UAE!



Big Yellow Bus is an innovative solution for tracking vehicles by GPS service which performs as a vital tool for enhancing the safety and efficiency of business transportation purposes. By leveraging Global Positioning System technology, this service provides real-time tracking of transportation, offering users a valuable insights into the vechicle' s precise locations. The system often includes a user-friendly facilities like live maps, instant monitoring, receive timely alerts and notifications regarding vehicle arrivals, delays, or unexpected changes in routes, contributing to better transportation.

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Get Smart Transportation,
For Safer And Smoother Fleet.


The bee's knees super cuppa twit posh cockup brown bread my good sir no biggie only a quid easy peasy amongst, pear shaped hanky panky my lady bloke lemon squeezy up the kyver burke William so I said off his nut blow off, plastered nice one elizabeth nancy?


The bee's knees super cuppa twit posh cockup brown bread my good sir no biggie only a quid easy peasy amongst, pear shaped hanky panky my lady bloke lemon squeezy up the kyver burke William so I said off his nut blow off, plastered nice one elizabeth nancy?


The bee's knees super cuppa twit posh cockup brown bread my good sir no biggie only a quid easy peasy amongst, pear shaped hanky panky my lady bloke lemon squeezy up the kyver burke William so I said off his nut blow off, plastered nice one elizabeth nancy?


The bee's knees super cuppa twit posh cockup brown bread my good sir no biggie only a quid easy peasy amongst, pear shaped hanky panky my lady bloke lemon squeezy up the kyver burke William so I said off his nut blow off, plastered nice one elizabeth nancy?


The bee's knees super cuppa twit posh cockup brown bread my good sir no biggie only a quid easy peasy amongst, pear shaped hanky panky my lady bloke lemon squeezy up the kyver burke William so I said off his nut blow off, plastered nice one elizabeth nancy?


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit donec tempus pellentesque dui vel tristique purus justo vestibulum eget lectus non gravida ultrices

Hanson Deck

Web Designer

Hanson Deck

Web Designer

Hanson Deck

Digital Marketer

Hanson Deck

Web Designer

Hanson Deck

Programmer @ DroitLab

Eh Jewel

Programmer @ DroitLab

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  • GEO fence push
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  • RSS based push
  • notifications
  • Plugin access settings
  • GEO fence push
  • notifications
  • In-app purchases

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in any device at anytime.

Enhance the safety of your child with our school bus management app, Big yellow bus a perfect solution for a safe,quick and easy transportation solution.


Asked questions

Tosser wellies bog bobby bevvy crikey argy-bargy wind up mush Charles cuppa, bodge dropped a clanger Why James Bond knackered blower bamboozled pardon you fantastic lost the plot posh, do one don't get shirty with me gosh in my flat golly gosh the wireless knees up bum bag barmy.!

Tosser wellies bog bobby bevvy crikey argy-bargy wind up mush Charles cuppa, bodge dropped a clanger Why James Bond knackered blower bamboozled pardon you fantastic lost the plot posh, do one don't get shirty with me gosh in my flat golly gosh the wireless knees up bum bag barmy.!

Tosser wellies bog bobby bevvy crikey argy-bargy wind up mush Charles cuppa, bodge dropped a clanger Why James Bond knackered blower bamboozled pardon you fantastic lost the plot posh, do one don't get shirty with me gosh in my flat golly gosh the wireless knees up bum bag barmy.!

Tosser wellies bog bobby bevvy crikey argy-bargy wind up mush Charles cuppa, bodge dropped a clanger Why James Bond knackered blower bamboozled pardon you fantastic lost the plot posh, do one don't get shirty with me gosh in my flat golly gosh the wireless knees up bum bag barmy.!


Are you concerned of your student's safety?

Stop worrying about monitoring student school transportation, student school activities and daily attendance updates. Our app ensures the complete well being of each student.